December 29, 2009

Staircase is a Wrap

A while back I had posted some pictures of an immaculate steel staircase being built. We were asked to create a 3D model along with the drawings and prints so that the welder could put this thing together properly. Here are a few images of the final piece.

A few of the railings are helical due to the change in pitch and direction. Should be interesting to see the final product!

December 14, 2009

SunArx’s Solar Trackers On Track Through Simulation and Analysis

Wanted to throw my guys a nice pat on the back.  About a year ago we worked on a solar panel tracking system, not the electronics but the mechanism and strength of it.  Its on the market now and our marketing department put together a nice article that got published in a couple different e-zines.

Take a look it's pretty interesting.